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We donate 5% of every bracelet to mental health nonprofits.

Beautifully Engraved. Mentally Empowering.

Unlike typical mantra bracelets, we're not here to simply inspire.

Managing anxiety requires more than just positive, inspirational affirmations. It requires facing your anxiety head-on:

Enter Presently — bracelets engraved with phrases inspired by cognitive-behavioral therapy.

It's time to get 👏 out 👏 of 👏 your 👏 head.
And get back to the present moment.

Anxious and lost?

We're glad you found us!

We've been there. We know exactly what it's like to feel alone (and lost) under the weight of anxiety. In fact, that's exactly why we started Presently.

Our mindfulness bracelets can help you discover a new way to truly manage your anxiety. We know it sounds daunting. That's why we start with the basics:

Anxiety is a natural human response that helps us respond to threats and stay on track. However, excessive worry can derail our lives and hinder our progress.

  • Are you overly self-conscious about what you might say or do in any social situation?
  • Have you been through a traumatic experience and now avoid anything that may bring back trauma?
  • Do you ever feel upset by your own thoughts and do all you can to make them go away?
  • Do you fear being away from or losing a loved one?
  • Do you have fears you know are irrational but still can't shake?

Do these worries interfere with your daily life?

Anxiety dictates our lives, leading us to avoid discomfort at any cost. Despite being a natural part of the human experience, we often resist acknowledging and accepting it.

You might be thinking, “Okay, so how do I get rid of my anxiety?”

We don’t.
We acknowledge it, embrace it, and look it straight in the face. We can't eliminate anxiety entirely, but we can minimize its impact on our well-being.

Instead ask, “How do I peacefully cohabit with my anxiety?”

Here’s a good start:

  1. Observe your thoughts as an impartial observer, without judgement.
  2. Pay attention to every feeling you feel, let the wave of emotions wash over you.
  3. Accept uncertainty and let go of trying to answer the unanswerable questions.
  4. After taking some time to listen to your mind and body, align yourself with your values so you can act with more clarity.

When we learn how our minds work, we can learn to react differently to our anxiety-producing thoughts. We can start filling our lives with things that bring us the most joy instead of things that bring us the least anxiety.

We can start to live in the present moment.


In therapy?

We all know that — regardless of how long we've been in therapy when stuck in a spiral of anxiety, and in search of a way out, our minds tend to go blank.

These bracelets are designed to support and reinforce the principles you've learned in therapy, empowering you to put them into practice, not only in session, but in those moments when your anxiety sneaks up on you.

With each glance at your wrist, you'll find the support and encouragement you need to push past your comfort zone and return to the present moment.

Break free from the grip of anxiety and cultivate the self-compassion that you need to further your journey.



Choose your style.


Choose your reminder.


Brave the uncomfortable

Perfect for those who:
• go with the flow, avoid confrontation
• avoid taking risks
• are afraid to be honest
• are hesitant to go to therapy

Full description:
Anxiety is uncomfortable. We start to sweat, our chest tightens, and we suddenly feel the urge to run in the opposite direction. We try to find relief by either avoiding triggers or pushing the discomfort away. But, when we avoid discomfort, we avoid taking risks, trying new things, and creating positive change for ourselves. We let this discomfort dictate how we live our lives.

When you allow yourself to feel the anxiety, you’ll discover that the discomfort does not last forever. The more you challenge yourself to brave the uncomfortable moments of life, the more willing you will be to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.

Embrace uncertainty

Perfect for those who:
• keep clothing they haven't worn in years "just in case"
• double, triple, & quadruple check anything before hitting send
• love to ask "what if?" and "are you sure?"
• have to read every review before watching a movie
• use their daily horoscope as a roadmap
• enjoy list-making

Full description:
When a thought about the unknown crosses our mind, we can’t help but search for an answer. It’s difficult to surrender ourselves to the discomfort of not knowing. We have to accept that there are some things in life that we do not and might not ever know. When we reject uncertainty we allow ourselves to suffer more than we need to.

Resist seeking the certainty and quick relief that you crave. Instead of pushing the discomfort away, try pushing through it. The more resilience you build, the easier it will be to let go of trying to answer these unanswerable questions. Embrace uncertainty and you’ll start to find comfort in knowing that you don’t need to know everything to live your life in the present moment.

I am separate from my mind

Perfect for those who:
• assume having any doubts means they are doomed
• feel bad for "even having that thought"
• go to WebMD anytime they feel "off"
• interpret every dream as a sign
• overthink everything

Full description:

Our minds tend to dwell on thoughts that produce worry or guilt, echoing them over and over until we become attached and mistakenly identify them as the truth. But, when we learn how our brain actually works we discover that our thoughts come and go involuntarily. Just because they exist within our mind, does not mean they hold any meaning outside of it.

Allow the thoughts to enter your awareness, without becoming personally invested. Give them the space to come and go without needing an explanation. When you create some distance, and remember that you are separate from your mind, you’ll notice the urge to decipher every thought will fade, and the desire to live in the present will strengthen.

I let go of what I can't control

Perfect for those who:
• who let a little bad weather ruin their day
• who try to change the way someone feels
• who need to get everyone out the door on time
• who always want to make everyone happy
• who need to stick to their 5 year plan
• who hate sitting in traffic

Full description:
Sometimes we feel we have the power to control all areas of our life. When something doesn't go the way we imagined, we do everything in our power to reverse the outcome and extinguish the frustration that comes along with it. We spend time ruminating on things – our health, our future, or the actions of others – that we don't have control over. Let's focus on what we can control: our reactions and behaviors.

Instead of allowing your anxiety to hold you back, choose to move forward and adapt in a world that is constantly changing. Resist your temptation to regain control and free yourself from unnecessary suffering. Let go of what you can't control and grow into the person you want to be in the present moment.

It's okay to feel how I feel

Perfect for those who:
• apologize for being a "downer"
• think they're broken if they don't feel sad when they're "supposed" to
• think they need to be happy all the time
• go out even when they don't feel like it
• say they just need to "snap out of it"

Full description:
We've been conditioned to think that if we feel unhappy or anxious, we must act quickly to mend the situation. We're often told to "stay positive" or “life’s too short to be sad.” But the truth is, the more we resist those feelings, the more suffering we endure. We heal more deeply when we allow ourselves to truly feel all of our emotions.

Rather than pushing your true feelings aside and pretending that you are okay, give yourself the respect and the space to feel however you feel in that moment. Let your emotions come to the surface. When you accept that it’s okay to feel how you feel, you'll be able to use the clarity to act truer to yourself and your beliefs in the present moment.

My thoughts are passing clouds

Perfect for those who:
• let their anxiety stop them from enjoying the moment
• find their mind easily drifts off during a meeting
• often go down a rabbit hole of anxious thinking
• fixate on the past
• obsess about the future

Full description:
When we become overwhelmed with anxiety, our natural response is to quickly find relief by identifying the source and acting accordingly. This natural response hijacks our attention and pulls us away from the present moment. Though we can't remove anxiety completely, we can reduce our suffering.

Imagine observing your thoughts as if they were clouds in the sky. Watch them float by without speculating where they came from or where they are going. When you are able to see your thoughts out of the confines of your mind, you’ll gain the strength to sit with them and the emotions that come with it. When you're feeling stuck in a spiral of anxiety, remember your thoughts are passing clouds.

Get 10% off + free shipping

when you purchase 2 or more bracelets.


The Opal & The Citrine

Give back with every purchase.

5% of every bracelet is donated to the charity of your choice.

(Make your selection at checkout.)

IOCDF's vision is that everyone impacted by OCD and related disorders has immediate access to effective treatment and support.

Learn more

ADAA works to prevent, treat, and cure anxiety disorders and depression.

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The National Alliance on Mental Illness' mission is to help families and individuals affected by mental illness build better lives through education, support, and advocacy.

Learn more

The Child Mind Institute is dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders by giving them the help they need to thrive.

Learn more


What Others Have To Say About Presently

The bracelet is beautiful, the Amazonite beads complement the gold perfectly! I love that the bracelet is adjustable- I have trouble finding bracelets that are small enough. I love the meaning behind these bracelets and will definitely be buying them as gifts!

Maria K.

This isn't a sponsored situation. I'm not earning commission. I just wanted to share about small business that's making beautiful things that are encouraging and supporting mental health.

Lacy Warne
LMFT | Anxiety Therapist & Coach

Embracing uncertainty has helped me stay present in knowing that regardless whatever is happening in life I will be okay. Also when I get time to reflect after the fact that same uncertainty has gotten me to this point and in those uncertain times I’ve learned so much about my self.

Sydney S.

Now that I’m healing from alcohol use, my practice has been to keep returning to people I trust when it gets hard again instead of retreating into my shell permanently and trying to figure it out alone and “come back happy.” I am more honest with my doctor when different things arise in sobriety or my medication needs to be adjusted. If you think you are supposed to be “healed” and not have hard times anymore, you are not alone, and life is made to have ups and downs forever. I love this Presently bracelet my friend got me that reminds me to “brave the uncomfortable.

Christa L.

Can we talk how gorgeous @presentlybracelets new collection is?

Carly Samach
LMHC | Therapist

They're meant to help people with OCD and anxiety. "Brave the uncomfortable" and "embrace uncertainty" are the phrases that most resonated with me, but there are lots of others. Reminders like this combined with my meds have made my OCD so much easier to manage.

Catherine Stein

I love having this reminder with me wherever I go — even on my honeymoon. I’m reminded of how valuable this time is with my husband. I am reminded of the power I have to remove myself from my anxious mind and to be fully present in this beautiful country.

Remy C.

Working in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment can sometimes force me to leave my personal feelings at the door. Keeping the phrase ‘it’s okay to feel how I feel,’ close by, I’m reminded that my feelings and thoughts don’t make me weak or slow me down, but help me to bring unique perspectives to my work and to the people around me.


I love your products and everything you’re doing for the ocd / anxiety community! 💕💕

Claire Koeppen

After constantly being told that my feelings were wrong or it wasn’t fair to feel how I felt, I let doubt creep in that maybe my feelings weren’t valid. I started to internalize everything. ‘It’s okay to feel how I feel’ is a constant reminder that no one can tell me how to feel expect for myself.


I love them because they're not toxic positivity / generic stuff you could get a dime a dozen... they're all consistent with ERP/CBT lingo.

Jenna Overbaugh
LPC | OCD & Anxiety Therapist

I’m that type A person who is constantly making plans and living vicariously through my calendar. Remembering to embrace uncertainty allows me to appreciate the ‘now’ and not worry about the future, whether it’s planned or unplanned.

Carly G.

The Sisters Behind Presently

We are Lindsay & Emily, two sisters with OCD and anxiety (yes, it runs in the family) who used our learnings from therapy to create a helpful tool for our fellow chronic doubters, reassurance-seekers, & OCD warriors.

We know that gut-wrenching, chest-tightening feeling (all too well). We also know how to survive it. With Presently, we're sharing these tools with you.

Presently yours,

in the press

These Therapy-Inspired Bracelets Are Designed To Help Manage Anxiety And OCD


2 Sisters With OCD and Anxiety Created Therapy-Inspired Bracelets to Help Others


‘I’m a Therapist, and Here Are 7 Products That Can Help You Overcome Social Anxiety’


33 Beaded Bracelets Your Wrists Will Be Begging To Try On


The Ultimate Gift Guide For The Friend Who Wants To Focus On Self-Care


These Sisters With OCD Created Therapy-Inspired Bracelets


More Mindfulness

Mirror Clings

Whether you're brushing your teeth, getting ready to go out for the night, or just glancing over at the mirror before a zoom call, always be reminded to return to the present moment.

Presently Gets Personal

Listen to Lindsay & Emily share their personal OCD journeys as guests on these podcasts:

Follow us on Instagram


Get 10% off + Free Shipping when you purchase 2 or more bracelets. Use coupon code BUYTWO.

🚨 All beaded and macrame bracelets are on backorder until September 1st — yes, even small business owners need a little vacation ✈️ 🏝️ 😉

✅ Chain bracelets and mirror clings will still be shipped within 1-2 days.


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