• Emily Stetzer / 0 comments

Do you have OCD?

Presently was born as a result of our experience with OCD & anxiety, and our desire to help those who are silently struggling.

Though widespread in pop culture, before starting this endeavor, we never realized how little people actually know about OCD.

Here are 6 things you should know about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

1. It is a disorder characterized by excessive intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

While most of us may double-check that the door is locked, their curling iron is unplugged, or the oven is off, those diagnosed with OCD often take it one step (or 5 steps) further.

Would you check if your straightener was on even if you haven’t used it that day? Would you go back a second time? Would you call a friend (or the doorman) and ask them to go check it for you?

A diagnosis depends on how extreme these cycles of obsessions and compulsions could get and how much it interferes with your ability to function.

So if these symptoms cause you a lot of distress, it might be worth talking to a professional.

2. OCD can be treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and/or medication.

The most effective treatments for OCD are a type of CBT called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). and/or a class of medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs. Together, ERP and medication are considered the "first-line" treatments for OCD.

The best CBT-inspired reminders for OCD:

I am separate from my mind

My thoughts are passing clouds

Brave the uncomfortable

Embrace uncertainty

3. Being "a little OCD" is not a thing.

OCD is not a personality quirk. People with OCD have a hard time hearing this usage, as it feels as though it diminishes their struggle with OCD symptoms. It is a very real mental health condition that affects about 2 to 3 million adults, and half a million youth, in the US alone. OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder, and it cannot simply be "turned off."

4. OCD does not care about logic.

Although people with OCD may know that their thoughts and behavior don't make sense, they are often unable to stop them. OCD is not about logic - it is about anxiety and finding ways to get rid of it.

5. Compulsions can be invisible.

Many people think compulsions are only visible behaviors like flipping a light switch, repetitively touching or tapping, lining things up, or washing hands.

But, a lot of people experience compulsions that are not so obvious, like replaying a memory over and over, checking things, praying, confessing to or asking for reassurance from someone, or avoiding things/situations.

6. Obsessions come in many different forms or "flavors."

Triggers related to stereotypical cleanliness make up only a small part of the range of OCD symptoms. Obsessions can be related to a wide variety of things like losing control, hurting others, unwanted sexual thoughts, and many more. In fact, there are actual OCD subtypes including: Harm OCD, Sexual Orientation OCD, Pedophilia OCD, Relationship OCD, "Just Right" OCD, Contamination OCD, Pure-O OCD.

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This content is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

OCD Resource: https://iocdf.org/ocd-finding-help/


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